Weapons Inspection Report for Iyuli Facilities

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The text of the report
The plans for the OLDS; note the redactions

The Weapons Inspection Report for Iyuli Facilities was a report published by the United Nations on May 10, 2019, following their emergency inspection of Iyuli after the terrorist attack on Tokyo. They were hoping to find the upgraded UAVs that were involved in the attack, but instead, they found plans for the OLDS. The report's publication resulted in Kacper Cohen being fired from Wernher and Noah Enterprises.[1]


The following text is taken from the report itself.

The United Nations Monitoring, Verification and Inspection Commission (UNMOVIC) has conducted inspections within Wernher Noah Enterprises, a defense contractor suspected of supporting terrorist activities.

Concealed plans for a highly destructive orbital weapon known as OLDS were discovered at facilities within Iyuli. The project is called "Shattered Skies" and is considered a major threat to all allied nations.
Further details will be provided in an upcoming report.

Based on the above report, we will request the following actions from Werner Noah Enterprises.

  1. Immediate termination of the orbital weapon project.
  2. Disposal of all facilities involved in the development of the weapon.

The UNMOVIC will continue to monitor Werner Noah Enterprises' actions.


  • The report names "Wernher and Noah Enterprises" as "Werner Noah Enterprises."
  • The plans for the OLDS that were published with the report have most of the OLDS's information redacted. It is unclear if this was by the United Nations or by Wernher.
  • In real life, UNMOVIC was created in 1999 but dismantled in 2007. It is likely that, in the timeline of Infinity, the United Nations saw fit to keep UNMOVIC to monitor activities worldwide following the Ulysses Disaster.
  • Wernher's chief military official, Kacper Cohen, shares the same last name as Ace Combat 3 character Simon Orestes Cohen. Interestingly enough, both characters are high-ranking officials working for companies researching and developing space technology as well as advanced weaponry.
