Transcript:Utopian Dreams

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The following is a transcript of Utopian Dreams. The English translation was provided by Project Nemo.



“Dreams and Reality”

Operation location: White Valley

Prior to mission


(Fiona) Sister!
In a schedule of test subjects for a Sublimation experiment at Neucom, your name is....
(Cynthia) Oh, that?
I volunteered. What do you think I’ve been at Neucom for all this time?
(Fiona) —you’re the same as always, sis.
If you wanna dream, keep it to when you’re sleeping, will ya!
(Cynthia) A dream? You would treat it as a mere dream!?
What are you trying to make of me?
—I won’t let anyone interfere.
Not even an only sister, for instance.
(Fiona) Sister, wouldn’t you be trying to throw away even so much as your body and mind?
Sublimation, which hasn’t succeeded in an experiment yet... it’s reckless!
What in blazes would you want to know?
(Cynthia) —the next world that everyone should advance.
Yes, I want to know the universe that no-one has yet experienced, that is composed of entirely new and unknown perceptions and senses.
The flesh which living things must have limits us to an existence that suppresses the unknown possibilities of the mind and spirit, you know.
(Fiona) However true that may be, what you hope for, sister,
transcends the human power allotted by nature.
And that... is a dangerous power.
(Cynthia) Yes, exactly that! What I want is
the power to wrench open the door to a new world that chosen ones can attain!
(Fiona) —humans... will never become gods!

Fiona [I’m a bit conflicted]↵

Fii I up and got into another argument.
Kinda pointless....
It’s just, the stories my sister puts into words like she will change this world through the power of science
...I can’t believe ’em, right?
But still, if someone said that my being here was because my sister cared,
I’d be really pissed.
Like, I’ll do what I want myself.
But to me, having seen the silhouette of my older sister, who had always been brought up freely....
—hey, you, uh...
what are you fighting for?

Cynthia []↵

Decrypting urgent message...

Cynthia This is a private message.
It will end up being deleted once reception is completed.
—The fact is, I...
I registered for a personality-copying experiment that Neucom would carry out, thinking I would be participating as a test subject, you see, but...
. was halted by the company.
Because things like “standpoint-wise problems,” and “think carefully about the human relations parts” were what the higher-ups said, but
to me... aren’t those expressions so very General-esque, eh?
Even though to transcend things like standpoints and human relations and understand each other, there must be human Sublimation.
The meaning of it,
that Neucom, might not be there yet, either,
that gave me quite the shock, but....
Still, I am not giving up, see.
I make my own opportunities!
Despite those sorts of plans, I am called.
And when the time comes for it, I will take care to tell you, too.
If... if you’d like,
I’m also thinking that you want to obtain the opportunity together with me.
But at that time, our only concern will be about Fii, so...
...I think I’ll inform you first.
Please forgive my awfully personal request, but
I beg it of you.
—well then.
Oh, right... don’t tell any of this to Fii yet.

Information download complete.
File deleted.


We have received intel that General Resource is amassing forces at an air base in order to oppose our incursions.
Accordingly, we will intrude at low altitude to avoid the air-defense radar net, and
assault the air base.
Please execute the mission paying sufficient caution to altitude.
Furthermore, starting this next mission, the new airframe
“Delphinus #3” will be deployed.
Good luck out there.

Mission start

Cynthia Even our opponents have gotten more and more serious!
Fiona Sister... don’t get too passionate.
Cynthia Don’t call me “sister” during operations!!
Don’t I always say this!?
Fiona Sorry.

Craft touches the ground

Cynthia This is not the time to kid around!

Rise above altitude limit



Cynthia Reckless! Pay attention to altitude!!


Approach base without being caught by radar


Cleared to Engage

Targets annihilated

If not caught by radar


Mission Accomplished

If caught by radar


Mission Over


NEU An emergency has arisen.
An unidentified airborne aircraft carrier appeared, and
a military coup has broken out!
Please return immediately.
Cynthia They wouldn’t...!? Well, isn’t this so much sooner than expected!
What’s with this timing!?
Fiona What’s wrong?
Cynthia Sorry, Fii.
I’m going on the road I trust after all.
Fiona ...what does that mean? What!?
Cynthia Sorry... there was no time to explain it, but
I am joining the coup.
If you want to oppose me, then go back to Neucom!
But if you feel like believing me,
then I’d like you to come along, just as you are.
I will explain the situation later!
Fiona Don’t screw with me, sis!
And we must not go along with her!
Come back, you... come back!



Go with Cynthia


Cynthia you came!
Thank you so much for believing in me.
With this, we will join Ouroboros.
Fii, go home!
Fiona Sister, don’t!
Cynthia Dision, I’ve come, just as promised!
This is Cynthia!
Ouroboros Roger. Neucom craft, you are authorized for carrier landing.

Don’t go with Cynthia

Fiona Sister, why...!?


If Ouroboros

Cynthia That is the airborne aircraft carrier Sphyrna....
What size!


If Neucom

Fiona ...making a carrier landing.



If Ouroboros


If Neucom

Thanks to your actions, we were able to halt General Resource’s obstruction.
For now, details on the coup are unknown.

After mission end

If Ouroboros


If Neucom

FIONA [My sister’s matters]↵

Fii In today’s report,
Cynthia was shot down.
Therefore, please consider her “dead”, too.
I beg it of you.
This is the last thing I can do as a sister with a dumb sister.
But I’ll... I’ll shoot her down if we meet again is why!
That is all.