Transcript:Target Acquisition

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Improving GN relations

EAPN Anchor: Now then, today we're changing our usual programming and welcoming Del. Gabriel W. Clarkson of UPEO as a guest on our show. Well, let's move right on to some questions for Mr. Clarkson, according to the intelligence we've received, ever since the current Faith Park Dispute, UPEO's been looking for a chance to open dialogues between General Resource and Neucom, yes?

Clarkson: -Right. Is it not a matter of course for UPEO to want to improve relations between the two companies as soon as possible, whether officially or nonofficially?

Anchor: But, since conflict broke out before UPEO could give specific instructions, don't you think that proves that the ceasefire between the sides was nothing more than an empty theory?

Clarkson: It's true that both companies' security forces are running amok right now, but we are still trying to improve relations with a dialogue on a corporation-wide level. Regarding the uselessness of politics on a country-wide level at present, if General Resource and Neucom were to fight an all-out war, including economics, we'd be in another Great Depression. Since we're ... not in the right phase for me to speak freely, you'll have to let me hold some statements in reserve. Just... let me promise you that it's possible that we could have both companies' heads at the same table very soon.

Anchor: I see. We look forward to UPEO's future efforts. Thank you very much for coming today.

I want your cooperation

Dision: Let me cut right to the point. This mail has been compressed with encryption different from our company's default. That's because, thanks to the intelligence I got my hands on in Megafloat's incident, I turned up some detailed results. And thanks to that, I confirmed the existence of a secret weapon that General transferred to UPEO in absolute secrecy. The existence of that weapon comes out of something like an unpleasant past, but I believe that to us- no, to me at present, it could be useful for building the world of the future that must arrive. Of course, the discovery of this truth is, to General's top brass, a past they didn't want any contact with... However, if what is the past to them can become the future for us, I'd like to get my hands on it. -That's right. I'm thinking of purposefully heading out against my official General duties. And with great expectations for your skills, I'd like you to join me. Of course, I've already filed a flight plan with the main office saying that I'm training you to fly a stealth plane, so rest easy. Well, I await you in the skies.

(Cutscene starts.)

Dision: I'll really owe you one for this.

(Cutscene ends.)

[Mission Start]

Dision: UPEO should have an unofficial facility around here somewhere. Gather all data you can via recon pod. Approach the targets at a low attitude, and verify the points.

Dision: Don't engage the small fry, search for the secret hangar instead.

(Dision flies close to a hangar.)

Dision: General's unsavory past... So, it's here.

Rena: Why is General out here?

Dision: Hold on... it can't be, is that Rena?

Rena: Who is it? What are YOU doing here?

Dision: We came to see if the wings still sleep here.

Rena: ...Eh? The wings, they still exist?

Dision: I don't know yet. But, if I do, then I intend to give them to you when the time comes.

Rena: Dision, you...

Dision: You should get out of here! Further contact would be dangerous.

Rena: Yes...

(If primary objective is not completed in under 3 minutes:)

Dision: We've been discovered? Reinforcements are coming in from UPEO. Hurry!

(If primary objective is completed in under 3 minutes:)

Dision: Reinforcements are coming in from UPEO. Shoot them all down!

(After either mission update is complete, the mission fades to black.)

[Mission End]

I owe you one

(Plays if Mission Accomplished was achieved.)

Dision: I've reported the contact with UPEO to our superiors as an accident that occurred during training. Nevertheless, my objective was flawlessly achieved. Also, I'll definitely explain that incident with your former colleague eventually. Sorry, but please don't ask anything else for now. It's just, the future I ask for lies beyond our current organizations. That's all I can say for now. I thank you for your cooperation. Well, on our next regular mission-.

That incident just now

(Plays if Mission Over was completed.)

Dision: I've reported the contact with UPEO to our superiors as an accident that occurred during training. Also, about the incident with your former colleague- forget it. What I have obtained here is huge. It is the power to control our future. I thank you for your cooperation. Well, see you.