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UPEO pers. plane crash

EAPN anchor: We're sending this news bulletin out with all transmission commands. The UPEO Delegate, known as the distinguished man who opened peace talks between General Resource and Neucom after the Faith Park dispute, Gabriel W. Clarkson, is confirmed to have died in the crash of a UPEO personal airplane. In the Lambert Mountains, the debris of the wreckage can be seen scattered over a 5 kilometer radius. As for the passengers and crew, judging from the damage sustained, prospects are grim. UPEO, alongside local authorities, are currently investigating the site. The airplane departed at 1 PM from UPEO Headquarters' Newark Airport, with Del. Clarkson on board, and was headed to Cape Rainy airport for a conference in the Meriton Region. Regarding the cause of the crash, UPEO hopes to find the flight recorder, which could further the investigation. On the shocking news of the crash of the personal airplane, Commander Park of UPEO, who were in charge escorting the airplane, stated "I still can't believe it. I intend on taking command of the search for the Delegate -and find the cause as soon as possible." with a visibly shaken expression while commenting on this sudden and tragic event.

Special mission

Dision: During the incident last time, we made our will clear to not just UPEO but Neucom as well. They're deploying their newest high-attitude attack aircraft. Furthermore, we've confirmed that the Aero-Coffins we've had up to now can't reach that attitude under their own power. On that note, a special aircraft has been urgently prepared for you to use. You'll launch to high attitude with a rocket, descend from stratosphere and crush from above those guys who rely too much on technology. I'll be guarding the base... Keith will engage them from below, making a pincer attack. This type of operation is entirely unprecedented. But even aside from taking on Neucom, Whose selling point is their technology, General will only grow more antiquated as time goes on. It's a wall that we must overcome. I believe that you have the power to do so.

Absurd Operation

Keith Bryan: All things considered, this's totally insane. That buncha science nuts are totally crazy but our side's strategy just as much. -It ain't like we're astronauts, ya know? Well, leave attackin' from below to me and hop on that launching firework. Now then... break a leg out there.

(Cutscene. RF-12A2 is launched by rocket.)

GRDF: RF-12A2, preparations for launch complete. Ignition! Flight level 50... flight level 100... flight level 150... flight level 200... flight level 250... flight level 300. Boosters separated, flight level 350, the fighter is stable. Prepare to intercept!

Keith Bryan: How's it feel, ridin' a kite?

Abyssal Dision: The view from up there must surely be exhilarating!

[Mission Start]

Commander: Parasite craft have launched! Stay cautious of them, and intercept.

Keith: Tch, they got above me! I guess I screwed up...

(After a few seconds, a cutscene starts; Keith is being fired at.)

Keith: Sorry, I need support!

Dision: No, he can't. You'll have to cut your own way out, Keith. Downing those guys above you take priority.

Keith: Nn... got it. Nope, I'm going down!

(After the cutscene ends, a new target appears.)

Keith: Am I going to die here?! Someone please... on my six! Waughhh!

Dision: Keith! Did he black out?!

(If Nemo destroys the Moburas:)

Keith: Hah... Heh, heheheha haa! Looks like I made it through all by myself. Sorry 'bout that everyone.

Dision: How unlike you to say that, Keith. Head on back to base.

(If Nemo saves Keith:)

Keith: Khh... I'm alright now. Sorry 'bout that. Looks like I really owe ya one this time.

Dision: Head on back to base. Keith... that was unlike you.

Keith: That was my bad.

(After both scenarios, Nemo prepares to land.)

Dision: Well then, now landing.

[Mission ends]

Bright prospects

(Plays if the Moburas are destroyed.)

Dision: I truly appreciated your efforts this time. About that thing with Keith... That was a good call. He has enough skill not to die from something like that. That said, you've been surprising me. Even though you were in a Blackbird, you piloted it extremely well. From now on, show me your power as much as you like as my right-hand man. -I have high expectations of you. Well then.

I'm in your debt

(Plays if Keith is saved.)

Keith: Man... sorry 'bout that. I totally let my guard down that time. It's just like that jerk Dision said, it wasn't like me. -What a disgrace. I'll definitely pay you back somehow. Until I do, I don't want ya to die. I'll be makin' sure you live longer than I do. Don't forget about this. Well, you'll get another call from me later.

About your judgement

(Plays if Keith is saved.)

Dision: There's something... I want to make clear to you here. -Certainly, I was touched by your concern for your comrade. However... Keith's errors, like this one, are a problem for Keith himself to resolve. You were supposed to be carrying a duty that no one else could. It's nice and all to be carried away by your emotions, but I can't help but feel doubt about you. In situations like this, we must put aside even things like concern for our friends. I want to see you've taken this to heart, beginning with your next mission.