Transcript:Scylla and Charybdis

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The following is a transcript of Scylla and Charybdis, the ninth campaign mission of the Japanese version of Ace Combat 3: Electrosphere, as well as the cutscenes prior to and following the mission. The English translation was provided by Project Nemo.[1] [2] [3]

Pre-Briefing Cutscenes

Forecast for the GN talks

DSN Website: Since the ceasefire signed last month, the intermittent talks that have been held by envoys from Neucom Inc. as well as General Resource LTD have been leading up to the conference that will take place at NUN Headquarters. The subject is reported to be about terms and conditions of the truce, but a schedule for the conference has not not yet been published. The NUN has issued a statement saying that "We are still in the process of conciliating the two."

Pre-sortie check

  • Gilbert Park: Emergency dispatch for SARF. For information on the objectives, I advise you to go over the mission details sent to you encrypted. Everything must be done by the book, mistakes will not be tolerated this time. Stay focused. -Dismissed.


As we have gotten General Resource and Neucom to suspend hostilities for one hour, our very own UPEO Del. Clarkson, for the purpose of ceasefire arbitration, is now headed for Cape Rainy in a personal plane. You and Erich will be escorting his plane. In addition, Fiona will be in that plane escorting the Del. personally. This is a top-secret mission, and thus, only a select few will be present. - Dismissed.

Mission Dialogue

Mission Start

  • Erich: H-hey, isn't this weird? Why aren't there any escort planes besides us here?! No matter how top secret this is, this is strange, don't you think?
  • Fiona: Keep it together! I'm keeping a close guard on Del. Clarkson, so I'll leave the skies to you two.

Enemy fighters detected

  • Commander: It seems that our intel was leaked. General bandits are approaching. Prepare to intercept them immediately.
  • Erich: Shit, if General comes up on us like this, we'll be sitting ducks. Fi! Damn... is that jamming?! Fi! Be careful! Respond!

After all targets are shot down

(Cutscene starts.)

  • Rena Hirose: Closing in on target.
  • Erich: Rena! So you came for us. We're saved...
  • Park: The mission has changed. The behavior of the personal plane has made it clear that Del. Clarkson and Fiona have been engaging in espionage. Abort escort duties and shoot down the personal plane.
  • Rena: Roger that.
  • Erich: H-hang on... Fiona's in there! Are you serious, Rena?! Wait, don't shoot! Stop iiit!
  • Rena: We can't confirm that fact. The order takes precedence.
  • Erich: N-no, communications are just being jammed. Right, Fi?! Answer me!
  • Rena: I'll leave the target to you.
  • Erich: I'm gonna save Fi!

(Cutscene ends.)

If too much time passes

  • Rena: Beginning to attack the target.

If Fiona is killed by Rena or the player

  • Rena: Destruction of target, confirmed. Now returning.
  • Commander: ...Roger that. We'll refuel you in mid-air, come on back.
  • UPEO: The flying boom has been extended. Keep flying within the envelope.

If Fiona is saved

  • Rena: That's against orders!

(Cutscene starts.)

  • NEU: This is the NEU. Guiding the UPEO personal plane to our airspace.

(Cutscene ends.)

  • NEU: We'll give you a mid-air refuelling. Please move your plane to a suitable position and stabilize.


If Fiona is saved


If Fiona is killed

Downing of personal plane confirmed. Details concerning Del. Clarkson's acts of espionage are currently under investigation.

Post-Mission Cutscenes

