Transcript:Power for Life

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The following is a transcript of Power for Life. The English translation was provided by Project Nemo.



“The Power of Neucom”

Operation location: White Valley

Prior to mission


Welcome to Neucom.
We are the conglomerate that continues our activity with the goal of providing the software that creates the world of tomorrow.
The Neucom Group, with the core at the informational environment development division “Neucom Info” focused on computer-related environmental developments, along with
the space environment development division “Neucom Space”,
the life environment development division “Neucom Bio”,
the communications environment development division “Neucom Sphere”,
and the PR and foreign affairs division “Neucom Publishing”,
is divided into five major sections....

EAPN [Mr. Clarkson defects!]

Clarkson —first of all,
for opening the door just now without a single look of disgust despite our rude visit,
everyone at Neucom, who warmly received us, has our gratitude.
The courageous decision of one pilot and all of you
really did save us.
And I suppose I never will forget today’s incident.
Therefore, as of 3 this afternoon,
I, UPEO representative member
Gabriel W. Clarkson,
along with 38 others as my subordinates and my personal aircraft’s crew,
transfer our affiliation to the Neucom Group!
To come to this determination, we....
Announcer Yes... uhh, we are broadcasting an emergency press conference by representative member Clarkson, but
apparently the relay’s audio has cut off somehow.
Pending the relay circuit’s connection,
we will return to displaying the meeting, but
until then, I believe we want to recap what information we know about this this transfer drama so far once more.
A radio from the UPEO private aircraft the Representative was riding
was received by Neucom,
around 11 this morning.
Said plane was carrying the Representative, who was headed to appear at the Meriton region détente conference that will be held in at Cape Rainy;
en route to the Cape Rainy Airport,
in the airspace sector above the Mt. Lambert Range,
it sustained attacks from fighters believed to belong to General Resource,
which then began hostilities with the plane's escort craft.
Just after that, it seems the plane was also attacked by a different, apparently UPEO-affiliated unit....
And so, the plane and its escort
changed their course for Neucom-controlled airspace.
At 4 p.m., they made an emergency landing at Denis Airport.
For the Neucom side’s news sources, this incident
is apparently being judged an assassination attempt on Representative Clarkson, who, as a moderate, has had some friendly relations with Neucom for some time, with General Resource and part of UPEO having conspired.
Also, this time, Neucom has,
by in fact accepting Representative Clarkson’s transfer, will be unable to avoid bringing forth great tensions in General Resource and Neucom’s relations....

CYNTHIA FIONA [Thanks for the save.]↵

Fii Oh, there you are!
Well, it seems we’ve been able to take up jobs at Newcom well enough.
And so, even here, we’ve been destined for the same team after all.
—so best regards!
Well, for now... that’s it.
Oh, right!
Now I remember! I’ll give it to you straight.
Uhh... well,
I heard this from the Rep a little while back, but
—geez, augh!!
Cynthia I’m impatient.
Thank you... I am most grateful.
Your resolve
saved the Rep and Fii’s lives.
I hope to see that resolve and energy in the future as well.
Oh, right... I am Cynthia.
Chief Consulting Pilot.
That is, I am your boss.
It’s nice to meet you.
Fii Geez, sis! Put me back on... hey!
Cynthia For that matter, Fii
is the one and only younger sister of mine.
Therefore, as an individual, too, I am terribly grateful for you.
Well then, next time will be a mission, alright?
Fii Why do I get cut off...!?


We are mounting an attack of our own on General Resource, which has repeatedly mounted attacks on us despite the cease-fire status.
You will sortie via the newly-developed high-altitude attack craft “Mobula”.
From there, you will launch in a “Remora” parasite craft; please destroy the General Resource-owned White Valley Air Force Base.

Mission start


Cynthia Hey UPEO ace! How’s our new model ride?
Well now, will you be showing us your true talents?
NEU The Remoras will detach from the Mobula.




Fiona Of course! New models.
Not like the Paper Tiger at all!
Cynthia Naturally!
This is the power of Neucom.

Hit from behind

Cynthia Behind you! Careful, now!

Unable to annihilate first wave of targets within 3 min. 59 s


Cynthia Are you serious? Your judgment is slow!
* Mission failure

Annihilate first wave of targets within 3 min. 59 s

NEU Enemy reinforcement units are approaching.
Now go on to sweep up the remaining forces, please.

Update Target

* Second wave of targets appears
Cynthia Time... is limited; think and shoot.

Get within certain distance of base

Cynthia Get the fuel tank!

6 s after above dialogue

Cynthia Aim for the radar!

Destroy northernmost radar site

Fiona I just knew it....
We’ll be switching up our combat methods, too.
Cynthia Get used to it quickly.
It’s not just skill that’ll get us through; remember that!

Second wave of targets annihilated

If seven radar sites and/or oil takes are destroyed


Mission Accomplished

If six or less radar sites and/or oil takes are destroyed


Mission Over


You succeeded in destroying White Valley Air Force Base.

After mission end


CYNTHIA [How’s Neucom?]

Cynthia Good work today.
Getting used to the new environment soon, I would hope?
We’re putting our hopes in you.
Your change of job just now
is a consequence of the way you got caught up in things, so to speak, but
here, since we are an organization with fundamentally different ways of thinking from General and UPEO,
we here at Neucom
want you to freely see with your own eyes the new world we are keeping our eyes on.
And then, we want you to become a member of Neucom soon.
After this, I think we will be taking action together more often.
Today’s efforts may well become the power of the future.

FIONA [How you doing?]↵

Fii Heyo... it’s Fii.
Are you used to Neucom yet?
I mean, I’ve always been informed about how they think around here by my sister.
I’m put off by some of it, so I’m merely okay....
Well, that’s that;
I’ve somehow ended up with nowhere else to go back to, so
I’ve got no choice but to do this, huh!

When “MISSION OVER” achieved

CYNTHIA [Looking forward to next time.]↵

Cynthia Good job on your first sortie.
I’ll bet the unfamiliar environment and our Coffins might be bewildering, but
now that you’ve become one of our members,
we are expecting good results after this.
—now then.
Please show us your true ability, next time for sure.

FIONA [I’m a bit worried]↵

Fii You not there?
—it’s Fii.
Today was awful, but
I thought, “Good thing both of us are safe.”
“But... somehow, I’m just not used to Neucom yet.”
Now, for me having received so much help to say this kind of thing is a bit of a no-no, but
of course when I wonder just what sis and I are aiming for here....
Even so, it’s not like General would have been better, though.
“Just who desired these battles?”
“It seems we’ve somehow been completely swept up unawares by some great power.”
Sorry to always bother you with my many grumblings about this and that.
—well, seeya!