Transcript:Pawns in the Game

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The following is a transcript of Pawns in the Game. The English translation was provided by Project Nemo.



“Park’s Scheme”

Operation location: Expo City

Prior to mission

EAPN [Executive Director Nascimento deceased]

Announcer We’re back;
at 3:56 p.m. today,
General Resource’s
Executive Director Carlos Aldea Nascimento has
passed away on account of acute heart failure.
—he was seventy-five.
It seems that Executive Director Nascimento had received a few heart transplants over the past few years.
And, most recently, that by his own wishes, he had had an artificial heart that that company developed transplanted.
As for the cause of death... it appears that it was an automatic control program connected to the artificial heart’s network that ran amok for some reason or other;
it is calling forth a great commotion among all parties concerned.
A large-scale investigation is being conducted as we speak, including the possibility, besides that of accident, of terrorism.
We repeat.
According to information just in....


(Park) ...and so, without using UPEO, the wars begin.
(Dision) The nuisance has gone. This profiting from others’ conflicts sure is costly.
(Park) Phew... since when were you here?
I get it.
UPEO’s idols will do it for you.
Quickly, now; burn USEA all the way through with a revolution or something.
...and the one who will stand in General and Neucom’s smoldering ruins will be I.


An internal struggle at General Resource
has made a possibility that an all-out war between the two companies will develop.
Before things get serious, we will attack an armory,
and restrain General Resource’s actions.
Furthermore, in this operation, we will be throwing a test into the combat;
you will be boarding a newly-deployed Neucom coffin model, Orcinus.
Also, to disrupt the radar network,
you will accompany the ECM airborne aircraft carrier Sphyrna, and
proceed on an attack at the same time as its jamming.
...over. We hope you put up a good fight.

Mission start

Erich I knew it! Neucom’s aircraft are different.
Rena But is it alright to fly with Neucom’s coloring?



UPEO Commencing jamming.

5 s after above line



* Jamming begins

20 s until end of jamming

UPEO Please rise to a safe altitude.

10 s after end of jamming

UPEO Resuming jamming.

5 s after above line



* Jamming begins; repeats afterwards

Craft touches the ground

Rena That’s... why’d you do that?




Commander We have sensed radar exposure.
Prepare for interception.

Update Target

Targets annihilated

Commander Operation complete.
Return to UPEO headquarters immediately.

When not detected by radar


Mission Accomplished

When detected by radar


Mission Over


Rena Landing.



Suppression of General Resource’s armory was successful.

After mission end

DSN [Tensions once again! War inevitable!?]

Receiving emergency broadcast ....

■ MINUTES AGO, General Resource Ltd. held an emergency press conference; they made it clear that at just past noon today, their corporate housing in Expo City was raided by fighters that appeared to be of Neucom build. Due to this attack, it seems that numerous civilians including company executives and related personnel have come up as casualties.
At today’s press conference, General Resource Ltd. gave this opinion: “This attack by Neucom was a dirty terrorist action aimed at ordinary people; in opposition to this attack, we stand ready with a firm will to resist.”
Neucom Inc., considered to have performed the unilateral bombing, completely denies this announcement. They assert their suspicion that this was staged by General Resource Ltd. It is seen that there is no mistake about it: both companies are rushing into the tense state from after the Faith Park dispute.

Erich Rena [A trap!]↵

Erich That operation was a trap.
That Park,
He made us start a world war!
Rena Are you certain?
Just making us fight Neucom and General, what do you feel making them fight will do?
Erich No doubt, Park intends to rule all USEA, no... the world, don’t you think!?