Transcript:No Clearance

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The following is a transcript of No Clearance. The English translation was provided by Project Nemo.



“Extraoperational Action”

Operation location: Expo City

Prior to mission


(Shot of young Dision)
(Rena) Give it back!
(shots of Night Raven, child Rena, researchers applauding, smiling Rena)

Rena [There’s something I want to consult with you about.]↵

Rena About what I’m about to say and ask of you:
after you’ve heard it, whether you agree,
or whether you object,
I want you not to ask anything, nor to tell anyone;
I want you to keep mum about it.
That that is a very self-serving thing to say,
even I understand.
But even so, I do it because both other people I can rely on,
and people I can consult with... don’t exist.
Please hear me out.
There is, for me,
something precious with about the same meaning as living.
— Night Raven.
I want to go search for it.
In the previous operation, the two of us discovered it by chance,
and it has something to do with the facilities you totally destroyed.
Right now that is all I can say about it.
But... I want you to come with me.
Of course, this is an unauthorized action and a violation of the rules.
I want you to come despite knowing that.

Mission start


Rena And now, we go.

Cleared for takeoff


Commander State of emergency!
According to an anonymous statement claiming responsibility, an incident has occurred.
Return to base immediately!
Rena Sorry... I’m going.
You can still go back now. It’s alright, don’t worry about it.
Because I’ll be alright on my own....




Don’t accompany Rena.

* Mission end

Accompany Rena.

Rena So you’re coming along for me?
Thank you....

Rena In the data, this spot should....


Commander A General Resource surveillance plane has been confirmed in ceasefire airspace.
If it seems they’re coming to attack, counter them.
Get in control!



Rena Why does General show up right here, right now?


Rena Go away, go away... go away!
Dision Hold it!
I know you! you’re... Rena!?
Rena Who?
No way! Why is it YOU here now!?
Dision I came to get back my wings.
Rena Those are mine... they aren’t yours.
This way again....
It’s always this way with you...!
I absolutely will not hand it over. Never.
I will not hand the Night Raven over to anyone!

Hit from behind

Rena Watch your back!

Craft touches the ground

Rena Suddenly bad at flying?

First wave of targets annihilated within 3 min. 30 s

Commander Catching new bogeys on radar.
Prepare to intercept immediately!

Update Target

* Second wave of targets appears

Second wave of targets annihilated


Mission Accomplished

Commander Repulsion of surveillance planes confirmed.
Return immediately.

First wave of targets annihilated in 3 min. 30 s or more


Mission Over


Rena Landing.



Accompanied Rena

This violation of orders,
in light of service in repelling the General Resource incursion,
will be specially ignored.
However, as regards to the extraoperational action,
you must submit a report ASAP.

Did not accompany Rena


After mission end

Accompanied Rena

Rena [I will take responsibility.]↵

Rena — but... why was it?
The fact is... I don’t even understand it myself.
Yet, you’re like me.
Because it seemed that if it were you, you’d understand.
— thank you.
I have wiped all of your actions on this matter from the flight recorders.
So, please forget about this.
And so, I will submit the report.

Did not accompany Rena
