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Threat of science

Reporter: For us, the power of science brings about great prosperity as it grants us many blessings. However, when unchecked, science can cause environmental destruction, with the potential to destroy mankind. As you have seen in this report, the dreams that Neucom scientists have, such as nanotechnology, space research, microwave power, and so on, amount to concrete threats, and are threatening to engulf all mankind.

Global Way Rep: We, of the Global Way, do not necessarily oppose any of these new technologies. As proof of this, I even ride in a car, and have a Sphere account as well. However, the scientists of Neucom will stop at nothing to realize their own dreams. The scientists of Neucom, as if to be understood from them being called a mass of mavericks at General Resource, are trying to implement new technologies without adequate testing periods. We are seeking the public disclosure of information regarding their risks. ...Yes. We are not an organization whose purpose is to oppose everything. That's what we want others to understand.

Don't get cocky

Keith Bryan: Yo, rookie. Sure I've got to hand it to you for having skills about lower-middle level for General. But don't get a swollen head just because Dision got a little bit interested in you. You two are on wholly different levels. I got no idea yet why he made you one of his wingmen. It was just fine when it just me and him. ...Well, that's just how I feel, nothin' you need to care about. Just don't forget if you screw up, Dision will be the one taking heat over it. Later.

How'd you like Keith?

Dision: You probably saw Keith's mail already. Don't let his .... get to you. Up until now, our team had always been just him and me. Well, he's got good skills and also has the most combat experience at General. But for all that... he's a very closed-up guy, and this time when I put you here, there was a bit of that. He can be temperamental, but there is no other pilot as brave as him on the battlefield. Flying with him is going to be a good experience for you. Well then, I am looking forward to meeting you again in the skies.

[Mission Start]

(The GR unit begins their attack on Megafloat.)

Bryan: If that thing's a nest of nerds, then the world's beyond saving.

Dision: Keith, before you talk smack, lay the smackdown on the 'float!

(If 3:30 minutes pass and any targets survive:)

Commander: A ship's launched from the Megafloat. Pursue it at once.

Dision: Okay, let's sink that speedboat that left the 'float as well.

Keith: It sure left in a hurry.

(If the Hydrofoil gets away:)

Dision: Hmph... so it got away huh...

(Otherwise, when all targets are destroyed, the mission fades to black.)

[Mission ends]

How are things going?

(Plays if all targets are destroyed in 3:30 minutes.)

Dision: We've cleared the operation. Looks like you worked pretty well with Keith, too. He's begun to appreciate your skills. I hope you can keep this up. Our battle has only just began. With the case of the Megafloat, I'm sure you realized that Neucom also holds considerable military strength. Later.

Okay, for now

(Plays if all targets are destroyed in 3:30 minutes.)

Keith: What the heck, you still ain't back? Seems like you know a bit about how the foundation of battle is being quick, after all. I guess I must have misjudged ya. I reckon I am big enough a man to concede when somebody does have the ability. Keep showin' me what you got from now on, alright? See ya... I'll call you later.

Good Going

(Plays if the mission update is triggered and the hydrofoil is destroyed.)

Dision: Looks like you're starting to get used to the General-made Coffin too. The form of our Aero-Coffins is a little old-fashioned compared to Neucom's type, but i'm sure you've noticed that it's more stable because of that. Oh yeah, I've got some private talk for you. Some pretty interesting information was picked up from the wreckage of the speedboat that left Megafloat. It's about something... from before Neucom was formed, when we were performing various experiments, a relic from our so-called forgotten past. But it looks very likely that this inheritance has our futures hidden inside it. I think if I investigate further, I might end up striking out on my own eventually. If that time comes, I hope to have your cooperation. -I'll contact you later.

Don't get in our way

(Plays if the target hydrofoil escapes.)

Keith: ...Huh, guess you're out. I got just one thing to say to ya. Every battle is decided by speed. If ya keep on fightin' like you did this time, you won't live much longer. You better keep that a bit more in mind from now on. 'Cause for the most part, we'll have better things to do than act like your support.